Monday, March 29, 2010

Cat5e Ethernet patch cable 568B pin out

Cat5e Ethernet patch cable 568B Pin Out

1-white orange
3-white green
5-white blue
7-white brown

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why doesn’t Google show me most or all of my backlinks?

One of the common requests I hear from webmasters is “Why doesn’t Google show me most or all of my backlinks?” Well, as of today, Google’s webmaster console will now let you see your site’s backlinks. Major props to the webmaster console team for this new feature. A few things to know:
- The backlink tool doesn’t show 100% of the backlinks from Google yet, but I expect the number of links that are available to grow.
- In particular, for my site I was easily able to see more than 10x more links in this new tool than the link: command gave me. The link: command has always returned a small fraction of the backlinks that Google knows about, mainly for historical reasons (e.g. limited disk space on the machines that served up “link:” data).
- You can download the backlinks in a really nice CSV format, suitable for slicing and dicing and other analysis. I believe you can export up to a million backlinks if your site has that many backlinks. 
- Do not assume just because you see a backlink that it’s carrying weight. I’m going to say that again:
Do not assume just because you see a backlink that it’s carrying weight. Sometime in the next year, someone will say “But I saw an insert-link-fad-here backlink show up in Google’s backlink tool, so it must count. Right?” And then I’ll point them back here, where I say do not assume just because you see a backlink that it’s carrying weight
I’m sure that there was more that I wanted to say, but why don’t people start playing with it and give feedback or post backlink tool-related questions? I know that the webmaster team reads to get feedback over here too; congrats again to that entire team for providing this. If you want to start browsing your site’s backlinks, sign up for Google’s webmaster console now.

Monday, March 15, 2010

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    Friday, March 12, 2010

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    How to index your website on Goolge ?

    Indexing your website on google
    I’ve had a few readers write to let me know that they’re having trouble getting indexed by Google and asking for advice.
    There are a lot of different theories on how to get into Google’s search returns but by far the simplest way to do it that I’ve found is to simply get a link from another site that has already been indexed by Google that Google sends it’s bots to regularly.
    Of course you can also submit your site to Google to be ranked or use a search engine submission program to do it – but I find the link option works pretty well in most cases for me. It might take a few days, or even a week or so in some cases, but in most cases it works reasonably quickly.
    As bloggers the best way to do this is to write quality content that other bloggers will link to and to interact with other bloggers on their blogs (genuinely) via their comments. This is all it should really take to get indexed by Google. Of course then you have the challenge of getting to the top of the list for the keywords that you’re wanting to target. This is another story and is not quite so simple and some people spend their lives working on this task. Again there are many theories out there.
    My advice in climbing the rankings is similar to getting indexed. In order to climb the rankings you again need other sites to link to you. In my mind this is the most important aspect of good SEO (search engine optimization). There are of course other factors, but what it largely comes down to in my experience is inbound links from other sites (relevant, highly ranked ones using the keywords you want to rank for to link to you ideally).
    Does anyone else have any other tips for those exploring this? Feel free to add yours below so we can all learn.

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    Looking for great deals on Cables?
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    What Are Ethernet Cables ? What is an Ethernet Cable?

    What are Ethernet Cables?

    Ethernet cables connect network devices such as modems, routers, and adapters. They transmit data using the Ethernet protocol. (See the bottom for variations.) NETGEAR Ethernet cables have RJ-45 jacks on both ends, each with 8 pins. (They look similar to telephone jacks, which use 4 pins or 6 pins.)
    • Equipment using an Ethernet cable is referred to as wired.
    • Wireless equipment uses radio waves in place of some (or all) Ethernet cables. A network device that uses both Ethernet and wireless connections is usually called just wireless.
    The Physical Ethernet Cables
    • Use Cat 5 cables. (Cat 5 is a measure of quality, meaning that it supports traffic up to 100 MB / sec.) These are also called 10/100 Base-T Cat 5 cables.
    • Some Ethernet cable wires criss-cross internally, others are straight through, meaning that pin 1 is wired to pin 1 on the other end, etc. A port (socket) for a straight through Ethernet cable is sometimes called an uplink port. If you aren't sure about a cable, and you can see the inside wires' colors, hold the two ends of the plugs up, so the same side of the plug is facing you.
      • If the wire colors are in the same order in both, it is a straight through cable. Otherwise, it's probably a crossover cable.
      • Cables are crossover where the wire for pin 1 attaches on the other end to pin 8, etc. This is used, for example, to connect two computers directly, without a hub or switch. Manuals will tell you whether to use a crossover cable.
      • Using a crossover cable instead of a straight through one won't hurt anything — but it won't work, unless you have...
      • ...Auto Uplink technology, where the equipment figures out which kind of cable you have actually attached to it.
      What Travels over the Ethernet Cable
      You might need these terms, which relate to what travels over the cable:
      • Full duplex. Data can travel both directions at once.
      • Half-duplex (aka semi-duplex). Data can only travel one direction at any instant. This is slower than full duplex. Attaching a network device that can only do half-duplex to one that can only do full duplex will cause terrible performance — if they connect at all.
      • Auto-negociation. This is when the network devices figure out whether both on either end of an Ethernet cable are full duplex. Rarely, the auto-negociation fails, so sometimes in debugging, it is turned off.
      Variations on Using the Ethernet Protocol on Ethernet Cables
      • Powerline products use regular electrical power cords in place of Ethernet cables. This useful (and easy to install ! ) technology is often overlooked in situations where Ethernet cabling is inconvenient.
      • Power Over Ethernet products use Ethernet cables to transmit small amounts of power to Ethernet equipment (as well as data). This is useful where running power cords is inconvenient.

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    Thursday, March 11, 2010

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    Should I use Cat5e or Cat6 patch cables ?

    Great Deals on Cat5e and Cat6 patch cables.
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    Cat5 vs Cat5e

    • Network support - CAT 5 cable will support 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T network standards, that is it supports networks running at 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps.  CAT 5e is an enhanced version of Cat5 that adds specifications for crosstalk (see below). Cat5e cable is completely backwards compatible with Cat5, and can be used in any application in which you would normally use Cat5 cable. However, the added specifications of Cat5e enable it to support Gigabit Ethernet (1000BASE-T), or networks running at 1000 Mbps.
    • Crosstalk - Crosstalk is the "bleeding" of signals between one cable into another, due to a process called induction. This effect can result in slow network transfer speeds, and can even completely block the transfer of signals over the cable. Cat5e cable has been improved over Cat5 cable in this respect, and crosstalk has been greatly reduced.
    • Bandwidth - The bandwidth of a given conveyance media is essentially it's information carrying capacity. The greater the bandwidth of a system, the faster it is able to push data across a network. Cat5 is rated at 100Mhz while Cat5e is rated at 350Mhz. This coupled with other more stringent specifications makes Cat5e ideally suited for networks which plan to operate at Gigabit Ethernet speeds.
    • Bottom Line: If you plan on to implement Gigabit Ethernet, go with Cat5e. Also, the small increase in price of Cat5e over Cat5 is more than made up for by "future proofing" your network's cabling infrastructure.

    Cat5e vs Cat6

    There is a great deal of debate among people about whether new cabling installations should use Cat5e or Cat6. Many people incorrectly assume that by running Cat6 they will then have a Gigabit Ethernet. However, in order to achieve true Gigabit Ethernet speeds, every single component on a network must be gigabit rated, such as the switches, hubs and network interface cards. This isn't to say that there aren't differences between Cat5e and Cat6, however. The general difference between category 5e and category 6 is in the transmission performance. While Cat5e can support gigabit speeds, Cat6 is certified to handle gigabit Ethernet. Additionally, the Cat6 specification is better suited toward environments that are generally unfriendly to twisted pair cabling. This includes areas that have lots of interference from things like power lines, lights, and manufacturing equipment. Still, for most applications, Cat5e is perfectly suitable and preferable to Cat6: it is more economical and performs almost as well. However, if you can be certain that all the components on your network are gigabit rated, and the volume of the data being transmitted calls for certified gigabit performance, then Cat6 is the way to go.

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    How can i get more back links ?

    Your Source for your connectivity needs

    How can i get more back links?

    How To Get More Backlinks and Increase Website Traffic
    By Article
    Aug 10, 2007, 22:20
    Email this article
     Printer friendly page Articles - Backlinks are links that are directed to your website from other websites or blogs. Backlinks are vital to any website ranking in search engines.

    Not only do they generate traffic themselves by giving
    web surfers an active link to click through to your
    site, but they also increase your PageRank. PageRank
    is Google's way of measuring the importance and
    relevancy of website.

    The more inbound links pointing to your site,
    the higher your PageRank will be. And the higher
    your PageRank, the more willing other websites will
    be to link to you.

    As you can see, increasing the backlinks to your site
    can have a snowball effect on the number of visitors
    to your website.

    Now let's take a look at a few ways you can increase
    your number of backlinks.

    1. Many of your visitors will have their own websites
    and blogs. Ask them to link to you. You'd be surprised
    how well this works if you offer content that is really
    useful and informative.

    2. Make it easy for others to link to you by creating
    a "Link to Us" page and give them the html code so all
    they have to do is cut and paste it onto their web pages.
    The easier you make it for them the more likely they'll
    be to link to you.

    3. Submit some articles to article directories in
    exchange for a link back to your site.

    4. Submit your url to various directories. Back in the
    early days of the internet, there were no search engines
    like Google or Yahoo. People found what they needed by
    searching a directory that was broken into categories.

    Today, most people prefer to use the search engines to
    find what they need. But the directories haven't died
    out just yet. Some people still use them and the links
    still count for PageRank.

    You can submit your website to quality directories like:

    For a comprehensive list of directories you can submit
    your website to,
    check out

    5. When you agree to link to a website in exchange for that
    website linking back to you, it's called a reciprocal link.

    As with directories, many website owners have all but
    given up on reciprocal linking. They argue that the search
    engines have devalued reciprocal links to the point where
    they're not worth the time it takes to obtain them.

    But there are others who still have great success with
    this method. The key is to not just link to anyone for
    the sake of linking. Link to sites that are truly useful
    and relevant to your visitors.

    When done right, reciprocal linking will work for everyone
    and both websites will receive a boost in traffic.

    Top of Page

    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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