Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How can i get more back links ?

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How can i get more back links?

How To Get More Backlinks and Increase Website Traffic
By Article
Aug 10, 2007, 22:20
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 Printer friendly page Articles - Backlinks are links that are directed to your website from other websites or blogs. Backlinks are vital to any website ranking in search engines.

Not only do they generate traffic themselves by giving
web surfers an active link to click through to your
site, but they also increase your PageRank. PageRank
is Google's way of measuring the importance and
relevancy of website.

The more inbound links pointing to your site,
the higher your PageRank will be. And the higher
your PageRank, the more willing other websites will
be to link to you.

As you can see, increasing the backlinks to your site
can have a snowball effect on the number of visitors
to your website.

Now let's take a look at a few ways you can increase
your number of backlinks.

1. Many of your visitors will have their own websites
and blogs. Ask them to link to you. You'd be surprised
how well this works if you offer content that is really
useful and informative.

2. Make it easy for others to link to you by creating
a "Link to Us" page and give them the html code so all
they have to do is cut and paste it onto their web pages.
The easier you make it for them the more likely they'll
be to link to you.

3. Submit some articles to article directories in
exchange for a link back to your site.

4. Submit your url to various directories. Back in the
early days of the internet, there were no search engines
like Google or Yahoo. People found what they needed by
searching a directory that was broken into categories.

Today, most people prefer to use the search engines to
find what they need. But the directories haven't died
out just yet. Some people still use them and the links
still count for PageRank.

You can submit your website to quality directories like:

For a comprehensive list of directories you can submit
your website to,
check out

5. When you agree to link to a website in exchange for that
website linking back to you, it's called a reciprocal link.

As with directories, many website owners have all but
given up on reciprocal linking. They argue that the search
engines have devalued reciprocal links to the point where
they're not worth the time it takes to obtain them.

But there are others who still have great success with
this method. The key is to not just link to anyone for
the sake of linking. Link to sites that are truly useful
and relevant to your visitors.

When done right, reciprocal linking will work for everyone
and both websites will receive a boost in traffic.

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